Say Goodbye
to Backlogs
in Your Building Department
Where Innovation Means Faster Project Delivery
Whether backlogs are slowing down development or you're looking for the next innovative project, SAFEbuilt has been helping communities nationwide streamline their operations for decades.
We've supported communities just like yours with:
- Plan reviews
- Inspections
- Permitting
- Code Enforcement
- Community Planning
- Urban Design
- Staffing and Building Officials
- Full-Service Building Departments
- ...and so much more.
Get in touch to chat one-on-one with a building department expert who understands the unique needs of your city.
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Your Next Project
Local Experts With National Backing
With building department professionals in short supply and high demand, backlogs in essential services can stall your community’s growth. Eliminate backlogs and start building a brighter future with a trusted partner.
Flexibility, Not Friction
Partner with a team that seamlessly molds into your current processes and timelines.
Local Expertise
Get paired with experts who know your local codes, requirements, and community.
Scalable Staffing
Skip the recruiting process and bring in team members on an as-needed basis, paying for only what you need.
Why Trust Us in Your Hometown?
In our line of work, "outsourcing" is a dirty word. But partnering with a third party like SAFEbuilt isn't the same as shipping out your important building department services. We step in as an extension of your own team to help you get the job done right, on time, and under budget.

Additional Time & Cost Savings for OMNIA Partners
We've partnered with OMNIA Partners, Public Sector, the nation’s largest and most experienced cooperative purchasing organization for public sector procurement. What does that mean for you? Member organizations can save time and funds by skipping the RFP process when they work with a vetted and verified OMNIA partner.