Building department team meeting
Building department team meeting

Imagine a growing city of 75,000 residents — let's call it Greenville — facing the common challenges of an overwhelmed building department. Like many real municipalities, Greenville looked to partner with SAFEbuilt to outsource permit technicians, plan reviewers, code enforcers, and inspectors to help streamline operations, improve customer satisfaction, and create a better sense of safety in the community.

The following hypothetical graphic illustrates the timeline* Greenville would follow to onboard SAFEbuilt's building department experts. 

Outsourcing building department services timeline infographic

Week 1: Laying the foundation

Greenville's journey to a more efficient building department begins with a strong foundation. When SAFEbuilt joins the building department, the community benefits from: 

  • Streamlined legalities: SAFEbuilt handles contract signings and legal requirements, minimizing bureaucratic delays.
  • Dedicated support: Experienced SAFEbuilt project managers are assigned to Greenville, providing a single point of contact for city officials.
  • Collaborative kickoff: A comprehensive meeting brings all stakeholders together, aligning goals and setting clear expectations.
  • Open communication: Regular email updates, scheduled check-ins, and a shared project management platform are set up to keep Greenville's team informed throughout the process.

Based on real-world best practices, this proactive approach empowers cities to maintain momentum and see tangible progress from the outset.

Week 2-3: Assessment and planning

Over the next two weeks, SAFEbuilt focuses on understanding and mapping out Greenville's specific needs through:

  • Process evaluation: Our team assesses Greenville's current workflows, resource allocation, and operational challenges.
  • Regulatory review: We examine existing codes and regulations, identifying opportunities for modernization.
  • Custom roadmap: A tailored action plan is developed, outlining specific, achievable goals for department improvement.
  • Skills gap analysis: We pinpoint areas where Greenville's staff may need additional training to excel with new processes and technologies.
This comprehensive approach lays the groundwork for transforming Greenville's building department, positioning it to serve the growing community better.

Week 4-6: Technology integration

During weeks 4-6 focus, SAFEbuilt focuses on upgrading Greenville's digital infrastructure for smoother operations by implementing:

  • Custom software: We select and set up specialized software for efficient permitting, inspections, and code enforcement.
  • Seamless data transfer: Existing data is carefully migrated to the new system, ensuring no loss of critical information.
  • Hands-on staff training: Greenville's team receives comprehensive instruction on effectively using the new digital tools.
  • Quality assurance: We conduct thorough system tests to identify and resolve any issues before full deployment.

This tech upgrade simplifies processes, improving service speed and accuracy for residents and developers.

Week 7-10: Process optimization

With a solid digital foundation, SAFEbuilt refines Greenville's permitting and inspection workflows for optimal performance through:

  • Tailored best practices: We adapt proven methods from other municipalities to fit Greenville's unique needs, such as streamlined application reviews or mobile inspections.
  • Clear operational guidelines: New step-by-step procedures are developed to guarantee consistency across all department functions.
  • Comprehensive skill development: Staff receive in-depth training on new processes, with cross-training to build a versatile, adaptable team.

These improvements aim to accelerate project approvals, maintain consistent code enforcement, and boost overall satisfaction.

Week 11-12: Community outreach and education

A smooth transition requires a well-informed community. In this phase, SAFEbuilt assists Greenville in engaging and informing residents about upcoming changes using:

  • User-friendly resources: We create easy-to-understand guides, FAQs, and videos explaining the new permit application process, inspection scheduling, and code compliance requirements.
  • Interactive sessions: Workshops address community questions, ensuring residents and contractors understand how to navigate the improved services, from submitting plans to final inspections.
  • Feedback mechanisms: We establish dedicated email addresses and online forms for ongoing community input, promoting transparency and trust in the new processes.
  • Awareness initiatives: A targeted campaign using local media, social platforms, and community events informs the public about upcoming changes and their benefits, such as faster permit approvals and speedier inspections.
These efforts help prepare the community for enhanced building department services.

Week 13-14: Final preparations and go-live

In the final two weeks before launch, we focus on establishing a seamless transition that includes:

  • Process testing: We conduct mock inspections and system trials, simulating real-world scenarios to identify and resolve any issues in the new workflows.
  • Resource allocation: Staffing schedules, equipment, and support systems are finalized for full operational readiness from day one.
  • Issue resolution: Any remaining concerns, from software glitches to process gaps, are promptly addressed and documented.
  • Service launch: Greenville's improved building department processes go live, marking a significant upgrade in permit processing, inspection, and overall service delivery.

This thorough preparation positions Greenville to deliver its improved building services effectively.

Week 15+: Continuous improvement

The journey doesn't end at launch. SAFEbuilt supports Greenville's commitment to continuous improvement through:

  • Performance tracking: We monitor key metrics such as permit processing times, inspection scheduling efficiency, and code compliance rates while gathering feedback through surveys and direct communication.
  • Strategic refinement: Using collected data, we help Greenville identify bottlenecks and implement targeted service improvements, such as adjusting staffing levels or refining digital tools.
  • Skill development: Ongoing staff training on updated regulations, new technologies, and customer service best practices maintains high standards of community satisfaction.

This commitment to continuous improvement helps Greenville consistently refine its building department operations — providing seamless service delivery for the community over time.

* The timeline graphic above outlines a typical schedule for rolling out a new project. It may require fewer or additional weeks, depending on your community's size and needs.

Your building department doesn't have to struggle

While Greenville's journey is hypothetical, the community's challenges are real for many growing cities. With increasing project volumes, staffing shortages, and rising community expectations, many building departments are feeling strained. SAFEbuilt's services can keep your projects on track without the need for additional full-time hires.

Whether you need complete building department support or a single expert to keep projects moving, we're ready to help. Contact us today to explore how we can tailor our services to your city's unique needs!